Impact Interviews : Behaven

Behaven Impact Interview   In this interview, discover how to change your employees’ behaviour for a sustainable future with Julia Terlet.     A Beautiful Green : Can you tell us about the origin of your agency and what motivated you to use behavioural science for employee engagement in sustainability initiatives?   Julia Terlet :…

Impact Interviews : Agilité

Agilité Impact Interview   In this interview, we share the thoughts from one of our newly B Corp certified clients, Agilité Solutions.   Why did your company decide to pursue B Corp certification, and what motivated the commitment to social and environmental responsibility within your industry? We wanted to see how we could be at…

The Story of Anderson Wise

Anderson Wise Success Story « Cintia is super professional and human, she explains everything in a simple way for anyone to understand. Her meticulous planning and expert guidance play a pivotal role in successfully navigating any project, ensuring a comprehensive strategy for the establishment or pursuit of noteworthy certifications such as ESR or B Corp. …


The Success Story of Behaven “Elora and Cintia helped us review our ways of working and our practices from the get go. They enabled us to ask ourselves the right questions, be they about our customers’ relationships, our team processes, or the impact of our projects on the field. Importantly, they really pushed us to…

The B Corp Story of Agilité

Agilité’s Success Story “We appointed A Beautiful Green to help explore what we were already doing ‘right’ and what else we could adjust, to bring the rest of the business in line. We firmly believe that our industry’s collective vision should be for a sustainable built environment that mitigates and adapts to climate change –…


Agilité’s Success Story “With our sustainability consultancy partner, A Beautiful Green, we conducted a supplier analysis to understand where we stood regarding sustainability into our partnerships. It helped us see more clearly where we needed to improve, and where we wanted to strengthen valuable partnerships. As for now, we have a responsible purchasing policy and…


The Success Story of TRAACE “ The support of A Beautiful Green was decisive in our B-Corp certification. This has brought us substantial time savings, valuable advices and peace of mind.”   Thomas Guyot Co-Founder Traace is a greentech start-up that develops software enabling companies to measure and monitor their carbon footprint in order to…

A Beautiful Green

The success story of A Beautiful Green “Becoming an accredited and recognised responsible company through certification such as B Corp is much more than just a project within our company.  It’s about integrating social, societal and environmental non-financial objectives into our business model. The importance of this approach aligns completely with the vision we have…


“A Beautiful Green helped us to realise a network exists, a community of companies that have a more sustainable impact. ABG introduced us to B Corp and their philosophy of taking into account all aspects of a company; we really liked it.” Elise Timmermans, Project Manager.