Responsible Procurement Strategy

A beautiful green vous propose une analyse de vos fournisseurs suivie d'un plan d'action

Whether you’re already working on a CSR initiative or you want to start the process, make sure you’re on the same page as your suppliers. Do they measure up to your social and environmental performance? Do they share your sustainability commitments? Are they transparent?

Our job is to answer some of these essential questions for your company’s well-being!
Contact us

Why a Responsible Procurement Strategy?

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    Risk control
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    Compliance with new regulations
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    Increase of credibility
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    Meet the expectations of your stakeholders
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    Positive media exposure
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    Value creation

What we offer

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    Identification of key suppliers
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    In-depth analysis
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    Identification of risks and gaps
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    Creation of a clear and achievable responsible purchasing strategy
  • A beautiful green vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre démarche de développement durable
    Creation of company policies and codes
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    Employee awareness campaigns
  • A beautiful green vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre démarche de développement durable
    Raising awareness among key suppliers

Risk management: accountability and transparency

A beautiful green vous aide à mettre en place des actions durables pour un futur plus propre

Whether you offer products or services, whether you’re a small business or a large one, every company uses a panel of suppliers. Whether part of a supply chain or simply your energy provider, every stakeholder in your business has an impact (and a responsibility) that adds to yours, because you’ve made the decision to work with them.

A beautiful green vous aide à mettre en place des actions durables pour un futur plus propre

We understand that customer-supplier relationship management is important. Supplier selection is a serious process, a matter of trust and contractual obligation; your buyers need to take all aspects into account. Unfortunately, economic performance is most often the focus, leaving aside social and environmental performance measurement.

A beautiful green vous aide à mettre en place des actions durables pour un futur plus propre

Securing your company’s financial health is of course an important element, but what about risk management? Transparency issues, subcontracting, disastrous social and environmental performance, work ethics at odds with your own… All these factors present risks for your company and should be part of the selection criteria in your responsible purchasing policy.

A beautiful green vous aide à mettre en place des actions durables pour un futur plus propre

A responsible purchasing policy within your company is what we recommend, the first step of which is supplier analysis. In order to implement the necessary actions and create a healthy basis for your company’s development, make sure your trading partners have the same vision as you, and build a collaborative and sustainable approach with them.

We are here to help you!

Do you have questions or would like to learn more about our projects?

Contact us
A beautiful green vous accompagne pas à pas dans votre démarche de développement durable

Environmental and social impact management: we’re here to help

We help you manage your impacts and support you in your transition to better governance in managing your company and partners. The first step is implementing a sustainable purchasing policy strategy that will help ensure harmony between your suppliers and you.

We help you acknowledge your supply chain

The first tangible action is to make sure you know your supply chain. To achieve this, we identify suppliers, analyse and aggregate supplier data, present you with the results and, after joint evaluation, we propose an action plan.

We give you multiple tools

Based on our expertise, we give you the tools to improve your supplier management processes. We provide you with a supplier code of conduct, we share our methodology based on CSR principles and with you, we create a roadmap with future goals and act as a guide during your transition to a responsible purchasing policy.

We guide you

With these, you’ll be well on your way towards a collaborative approach to continuous improvement, enabling your company to increase its competitiveness in the marketplace, achieve better risk management, increase resilience and decrease the overall cost of operations. That’s what we help you achieve with our supplier analysis service.

A beautiful green vous propose une analyse de vos fournisseurs suivi d'un plan d'action